

(Lab. Metaprogetto – A.A. 2013-2014 – sez I4)

Today’s design can offer new strategies to fight crisis and young designers must commit themselves in order to operate inside the global market and its rules.
Here’s the new LA.BO.works’ challenge: to create tools (objects and services) which can intervene promoting new forms of “creative market” through “active design”.

The students in this course will be asked to design services and objects which will support their skills and promote (and sell!) their talent.

The object to be designed is a unit (dimensions and features not defined) which can host two functions at the same time: work+retail, production+ retail, hospitality+retail, retail+retail.

The container considered as a unit outside the context becomes a symbol of mobility, travel, temporariness, improvisation; it’s free to become a house, a work space, a temporary shop; it’s a “creative production technical unit”, where we can work and live.

It will be built to be dwelled in springtime.

131008-boxMEnot TEAM
131008-boxMEnot ORGANIZATION

131008-boxMEnot FASE PILOTA
131015-BRIEF fase01
1311112-BRIEF fase02

student works

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